At the Annual Assembly of Grand College held on Saturday 14 June 2014, the amendments to the Regulations circulated in April were adopted. This result changes the name of our Order to the Priestly Orders of the Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests and Holy Wisdom.
All members of the Order at midnight BST on Saturday 14 June 2014 are deemed to be members of the Order of Holy Wisdom. Anyone admitted after that date will be required to be an Aspirant for the Order of Holy Wisdom before taking a chair qualifying them for election as High Priest of a Tabernacle (ie before taking the VI or VII Pillar). The admission fee is increased to £25 immediate effect. This will cover the cost of the subsequent issue of the Order of Holy Wisdom certificate. A certificate will be available in due course for existing members of the Order at a cost of £5.
Grand Superintendents were created High Prelates of the Order of Holy Wisdom and it is their responsibility to ensure the working of the new Order of Holy Wisdom ceremony, though they are at liberty to delegate the work to experienced members in their District. Particularly in overseas Districts, this may mean the High Prelate delegates the work to individual Tabernacles. Aspirants for the ceremony need not take it within their own District, but arrangements for this should be done through the respective District Recorders.
The regalia associated with the Order of Holy Wisdom is a Cordelier of a particular colour depending on rank which is worn tied on the right hip. This should be worn in all Tabernacle meetings. When in a Congregation (a meeting of the Order of Holy Wisdom), no mitres are worn.
For the better running of the Districts and to assist the Grand Superintendents in ensuring annual returns and annual dues are submitted on time, the Regulation now make the appointment of District Treasurers, District Recorders and District Directors of Ceremonies mandatory and Deputies to these positions are optional.