At a meeting of the Seven Pillars Tabernacle on 1 December 2014, two members from Finland were admitted as Knight Templar Priests along with their UK contact. Kt Pt Jaakko Juhani Vuori is the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Finland and Kt Pt Simo Eino-Wilhelm Laine is a Past Third Grand Principal of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Helsinki in Finland. They met Kt Pt Paul Purvis through internet fora some years ago and have since attended many Masonic meetings throughout the country.
The Grand High Priest, M Ill Kt Pt Christopher Maiden and the Deputy Grand High Priest Ian Duff were present to see an excellent ceremony carried out by V Em Kt Pt John Barlow, High Priest, and the Officers of the Tabernacle. A total of 47 Knight Priests attended the meeting.
L-r Paul Purvis, Jaakko Vuori, Christopher Maiden and Simo Laine.