The following applies to Tabernacles meeting in the UK (excluding Jersey and the Isle of Man), all other Tabernacles should continue to follow the local restrictions/guidelines of their Governments and/or their local Craft Grand Lodge.
- The current suspension of meetings expires on 31st August 2021, and therefore meetings can recommence with effect from 1st September 2021.
- Whilst there is now no legal requirement to wear face coverings, an individual’s choice to do so should be respected.
The following applies to all Tabernacles.
- The welfare of members and their families must continue to be the prime concern when considering whether to hold a meeting.
- No pressure must be applied to anyone either to attend or refrain from attending meetings, and if insufficient numbers are able to attend, then meetings may continue to be abandoned.
- Tabernacles must comply with the rules and requirements of the venue where the meeting is held. Should this mean that a meeting is impractical it may be abandoned.
- Virtual Business Meetings (by Video Conference e.g. Zoom) may continue to be held should it not be possible for a meeting to take place. Only administrative matters including elections should be conducted.
- The ability to abandon meetings as mentioned above and to hold Virtual Business Meetings will be kept under review. Ultimately it is hoped that circumstances are such that these options are no longer needed.
R. Ill. Kt. Pt. Glyn R. Goddard, Grand Recorder 16.08.2021